Latest News
Happy New Year!
A quick look back, current updates, and future horizons from Simon, our Minister.
Christmas - thank you!
Highlights and thank yous from everything that went on here in December!
Women of the Nativity
Jason recommends a podcast helping us to engage with the Bible, including some of the people in it we don’t always hear much about. Enjoy!
Kingdom Youth - an update
Shannon gives an update on Kingdom Youth, what it gets up to, and how we can pray for young people in Bury.
Blessing beyond ourselves
Jason reflects on the time he spent with St James’ Wollfold, and what our role might be in the settings beyond our immediate boundaries.
Food waste
What happens to the food we don't use? How can we play a part in reducing that? Keith leads us through some science, a local experiment, and reminds us of our creator God behind it all.
A recycling tip
Keith shares a recycling tip, to help us tread lightly on the earth, and honour it’s Creator.
Offer hospitality — our kitchen upgrade
The kitchen is the heart of many homes. The place where meals are prepared, conversations had, and friends made. We want our church kitchen to be much the same, and we’d love your help.
Disability, authenticity, vulnerability
Hear about an inspirational couple, journeying through disability and the challenges of life with faith, perspective, and humility.