Offer hospitality — our kitchen upgrade

The kitchen is the heart of many homes. The place where meals are prepared, conversations had, and friends made.

Our church kitchen can help the same things to happen at St Peter’s. Offering hospitality is a key Christian trait, and an expression of the love we have for God and others.

We want to do that even better, and have agreement now to refurbish our kitchen facilities, to better serve all our groups, events, and services — from Messy Church to Warm Space, those who hire the parish room to Tuesday Lunch Club, and many more.

You might not realise, but the ovens are way past their best, the fridge small and leaky, and things could do with an upgrade and rejig, in order to better serve us and this community now and into the future.

To enable this to happen, we need to raise around £15,000. We see this is a key part of our plan for the growth of St Peter’s and our ability to bless the people of Bury, something which is important to us all.

To raise this money we are applying for some grant funding but we also wanted to reach out to you, our congregation, to ask if anyone would be willing to help towards the overall cost. You could do this in a few ways :

  • Offer a donation towards the overall cost

  • Offer to sponsor a specific item, EG new fridge / oven / dishwasher

  • Suggest and help with fundraising, or grant applications

If you would be interested in any more information about the above, including the new plans please speak to Carolyn or Simon.

We’re excited to build towards the future, and create a space that can better welcome all those God brings to us!


A recycling tip


Disability, authenticity, vulnerability