Kingdom Youth - an update

St Peter’s youth group, Kingdom Youth, is for students in school years 6-11. We have been going for a bit over a year now, and are starting to grow in numbers, which is exciting. We are also growing in leaders, and I sincerely thank those who helped at the start, and those who are helping now! 

The goal of Kingdom Youth is for young people to have a safe, fun place to meet others, have positive interactions outside of school, and to learn more about who God is, how much he loves them, and how this has practical implications for their lives right now. We want them to have fun as they are encouraged in their journey with God, whatever point they are at right now.

We meet at the church for Games Night on the fourth Sunday of the Month from 630 to 8:00pm. The games are typically either silly, funny, challenging, physically active, or some combination thereof.

These Games Nights also involve a “Snack and Chat” time, where we sit down for some (usually unhealthy) treats and talk about life and God. We have a theme or topic for the discussion.

In addition to Games Nights, Kingdom Youth also gets together for an outing once a month. Recently, this was to Grip and Go in Haslingden, an indoor climbing centre. After our climbing session, we sat down for some food and drinks and talked about how faith in God can feel very much like the moment when we let go of the wall and have to trust in the rope mechanism to get us safely down! 

For some of these outings, we join up with Livit, which is a joint collaboration of youth groups in and around Bury. These times allow young people to meet others in the area in a bigger event where Jesus is taught and praised.

It can be a challenge to build up and serve the youth in our area, but we hope that Kingdom Youth will be a vessel for this. Your prayers for Kingdom Youth, its leaders, all those who attend, and all those who might join in, are greatly needed and appreciated!

Please Pray …

Lord God, thank you for all the youth in Bury and connected with our church. They have so many pressures and so many questions. May your love be offered, seen, recognised, and growing in us all. May your Kingdom come. Help us to live in and extend your Kingdom by humbly submitting more and more to your will and your leading in all aspects of our lives.

Thank you, Lord. Amen!


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