Kids Spotlight
Kids Spotlight
We at St Peter’s have been thrilled with our growing connections with our schools. Simon, Jason and Shannon have been leading assemblies and RE classes at various schools. In February, we were asked to address 'What kind of world did Jesus want?' for Year 4s and 'How do Christians decide how to live?' for Year 5s at St Peter’s Primary. Also in February, both Year 2 classes from St Luke’s Primary walked over to our church to learn about what Christians do at a worship service.
A full range of classes walk over to our church, but this can be challenging for the schools because of the number of adults required to walk with the children. We enjoy and value these opportunities to bring students into St Peter’s, and feel it is helpful for their learning. If you might be willing to help by walking over with the students from their school to the church and back again, please let Shannon know, and she will contact you to find out if you are available for the next school visit.
Coming up for Kids and Youth
Please check the Kids and Youth pages of our website to see everything that’s going on for those groups, and our calendar for upcoming dates.
Please join us in prayer
Lord God, thank you for all the precious children and youth who are in our town. Please help us as a whole church to model your love for them in all our interactions. May we be known as a safe place that cares, welcomes and listens.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the leaders who help to run these events for kids and youth, whether at the front or behind the scenes. Please make us increasingly able to receive and pass on your grace and wisdom. Grant us the energy and enthusiasm to continue on, in step with you, whether sowing seeds or harvesting. Please place a call on the hearts of anyone who might be willing to share your love by helping out, in whatever ways you have made them able.
Thank you, Lord. We look forward to what you will do in this church and community — amen!