Updates from the Vicarage

Though I was on leave for much of March, it was great to see that nothing at St Peter’s slowed up!

I believe that there is a place for each one of us in God’s church. And it’s only when each of us is using our gifts, time, resources, and prayers to glorify Him together, that we’ll see St Peter’s be everything that it can be, and every sphere of Bury transformed. Thank you to everyone who plays a part in this community — God sees and appreciates the sacrifice, generosity, and love you put in here.

We had a great March, welcoming Bishop Matthew to lead, preach, prophecy over us and anoint us with oil. We launched midweek Groups, where people can more intentionally grow in faith and community. Alongside our usual acts of worship for Holy Week and Easter Day, we added new opportunities for children and families to engage in these important events, opened Experience Easter out to another local primary school, and joined with other churches in Bury for a unified Walk of Witness in the town centre.

Behind the scenes, our church council met for the last main time before the annual meeting on April 28th. We discussed church life, agreed to host a day conference focussing on the Bible in the autumn, agreed to explore significant improvements to the church kitchen, amongst other things. Importantly, we also agreed to give £100 to support those whose homes would be demolished following the gas explosion on Nelson Street.

If you want to know more about the work of the committee, or are interested in standing to become a member yourself, please speak to me on a Sunday, or send me a message anytime.

Looking forward, we have lots coming up, which I won’t repeat here as it is detailed elsewhere in the newsletter, and on the church calendar. Some other things to let you know about:

  • Join a team: everything that goes on here happens because people give of their time and expertise. And those who do find that they get more back than they ever put in, and get to connect with others as they serve. If you’re not already, please consider a team you could join at St Peter’s — making tea and coffee on a Sunday; helping our kids to learn about Jesus in Kingdom Kids; getting involved with maintenance of the building and grounds? Speak to me, or chat to someone already involved if you’d like to find out more.

  • Follow us online: we put our Sunday talks online, for you to listen back to, catch up with if you couldn’t make it, and share with a friend who might be blessed by it. Find us and subscribe on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever else you listen to podcasts (search ‘St Peter’s Bury).

God bless you all this month and always. Please get in touch if there’s anything you’d like to chat about, and I look forward to seeing you soon!



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